Crystal Good
— An artist, advocate and entrepreneur, Crystal is guided by the transcendental aspects of human life — beauty, truth and goodness. She heralds from West Virginia where she utilizes her voice as a poet, writer, and speaker to influence a new era of thriving in Appalachia.
The Olivia Pope of necessary good deeds — Greg Oxley, Artist
“Valley Girl is a beguiling read, at once bold, disarming, plucky and feisty, unabashed in its spoken word hip hop dares and verbal "pivot," and deliberate in its narrative storyteller verve…” - Jeff Biggers, The Huffington Post
Selected POETRY Publications
“He Said,” Appalachian Reckoning, 2019, WVU PRESS.
“Black Diamonds,” Blackbone: 25 Years of Affrilachian Poets, 2018, Kentucky Press and Global Mountains Anthology, 2018, INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS.
“Almost Famous,” Eyes Glowing at the Edge of The Woods, 2017, WVU PRESS.
“My Mountain Mama: 1967-1978,” Goldenseal Magazine, 2017.
Selected Performances